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Dress Code


  • All students must wear a uniform shirt with the official school logos.

  • Shirts MUST be tucked-in and neat. Shirts MUST stay tucked-in when arms are raised, midriffs are never to show.

Slacks, Shorts, Skorts and Jumpers

  • Only properly fitted uniform bottoms with the official school logo may be worn

  • Shorts and skorts must be of appropriate length and at the discretion of the administration.


*Uniforms are required and our dress code is enforced. Uniforms must be purchased from our vendor to ensure equity and safety. Students who wear an improperly fitted uniform will be considered in violation of the uniform policy and will not be allowed to attend class until appropriate clothing can be acquired.



I have very high expectations for all my students and truly believe that through respect, team work, parent participation, and cooperation all students will be able to achieve greatness. I believe these key elements will provide a foundation for the success and well- being of everyone. Be it assisting with daily reinforcement or listening to them read aloud, parents/ guardians will help to strengthen and support the school environment.

Classroom Rules/ Guidelines/ Policies/ Procedures:

Our classroom rules/ guidelines/ procedures are important key elements to a safe and positive learning environment and will be referred to often! I strongly encourage all rules/ guidelines/ policies/ procedures as well as those outlined in Franklin Academy’s handbook be read and discussed carefully to avoid any negative situations. We all want to experience a cooperative and successful school year! An orderly and safe classroom leads to a productive and positive learning environment.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

  2. Respect others.

  3. Raise your hand to be called on.

  4. Be prepared for class every day.

  5. Be in uniform and wear it properly.

  6. Observe all handbook rules (no running, no fighting, no toys, no eating, ect,



Daily Classroom Guidelines/ Procedures

  1. Students are to enter the classroom in an orderly manner with the necessary supplies each day. (Necessary supplies in clued: assigned books, completed homework in appropriate pocket folder, notebooks, paper, pencil/ pen, ect.)

  2. Students are to sit in assigned seats and quietly begin daily/ bell work.

  3. Students are to listen carefully and actively participate in the daily lesson of each subject.

  4. Students are to raise their hands and politely wait to be acknowledged by teacher. Lesson- related questions and comments are always encouraged!

  5. Students are not allowed to walk around classroom during guided instruction time. No inappropriate interruptions will be tolerated!

  6. Students are to respect themselves and other at all times. No touching other students or other student’s property at any time. Teacher’s desk and personal property are OFF limits to students.

  7. At no time is inappropriate language to be used!

  8. Students should study for spelling/vocabulary tests which will be given on Fridays.

  9. Late work will be accepted in the case of a student’s absence. Given the necessary time for work to be completed, missing work will count as 0%.

  10. Students are to leave the classroom in an orderly manner! Our classroom is to remain neat and clean as possible- no food is allowed during guided class time!



Behavior System

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a point system. The points are given by the teacher. This is an interactive site that allows each child to adjust their avatar. Parents and students can view behavior (positive or negative), pictures, and so much more.



Accelerated Reader

Throughout each quarter, each student will be taking AR tests at their assessed level. At the end of each quarter, the student will receive a grade based on the books they have read and the average of the percentages from each test will be given as a part of their reading grade each quarter.



Job Chart

The students will be receiving classroom jobs on a weekly basis.

* Cleaning Crew

* Messengers

* Passers

* Computer Helpers

* Line Leader/Door Holder

* Teacher Helpers

* Agenda Checkers

* Attendance/Lunch count

These names are chosen randomly. Each week, the students will change jobs. Please be aware that there are 1-2 students per job and there are only 7 jobs available, so everyone will not be assigned a job each week.



In order to make sure that everyone in my class comprehends each lesson, I have initiated the "Thumbs" system. Throughout each lesson, I will occasionally ask the students if everyone understands. This is queue for the students to hold up or down their thumbs. If they are not sure, they can hold their thumbs to the right or left. If at least 1 thumb is held sideways or down, then I will back track just enough to create an understanding. If the student(s) still does not understand, at the end of the lesson, a small group will be formed.

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